About Turquoise Legend

Growing up as a kid in Phoenix, I was always inspired by family trips that we would take once in a while to nearby cities in Arizona. Usually, it was to explore the beautiful nature in Sedona, Flagstaff, Prescott, Payson or further up north by the Grand Canyon where we would hike and picnic. Sometimes, we would venture out on longer road trips to places like Palm Springs, San Diego, or Los Angeles where the vibe was different than out here in Arizona and where we might see novel things like the beach, Disneyland, or Universal Studios.

Clouds & Colors in Arizona

Eventually, I began traveling to destinations farther outside my comfort zone. First to the east coast of the U.S. to places like New York and Florida. The allure of exploring new cultures took me across the pond to cities like London, Cardiff, Barcelona, and beyond, eventually leading me to the bustling streets of Beijing, China.

All of these places had a major theme in common - a love for good food. No matter where you are in the world, there's always great food to discover.

One of my favorite culinary experiences is the first time that I tried Vietnamese Phở in Brooklyn, New York. The rich blend of spices in the slow-cooked broth combined with the fresh herbs made me so happy. Another great experience was trying Hummus with Beef & Mushrooms in Jerusalem - a simple dish full of flavorful spices that changed the paradigm for me on what could be done with Hummus. These global flavors offered a delightful contrast to the comforting, familiar tastes of my Arizona hometown.

Some of us love to travel the world, and we'll continue to do so for as long as we live - but, ultimately, home is where the heart is - and where our kitchens are.

Turquoise Legend was created for those of us who love to take the new culinary delights that we've discovered around the world and make them in our own homes.

I sincerely hope that you'll enjoy making delicious dishes of your own with the fantastic spice blends that we've handcrafted for you from the highest quality spices.

Our spice blends are inspired by the very dishes that they go best with - our Garam Masala is inspired by Tikka Masala, our Blissful BBQ by Slow-Cooked Smoked Brisket, and our Fantastic Fajita by sizzling Beef Fajitas.

I invite you to explore the world of Turquoise Legend by utilizing our spice blends in your cooking and sharing what you make with us on Instagram using #TurquoiseTastes.

Wishing you only good things,